Marketplace Leaders

Marketplace Leaders – Current Insights into Online Marketplaces from Expert Interviews and Analyses

After a long period of continuous growth, the online retail sector has experienced extreme fluctuations in recent years. The majority of online retail is now conducted through marketplaces. In addition to the major B2C platforms, marketplaces have now been established in almost all niches and verticals, for both new and used goods, for private and commercial customers. In recent years, trading companies and intermediaries have entered the field and become marketplaces themselves. However, not everyone who followed this trend has been successful. Even the large and established online marketplaces are currently facing major new challenges. eStrategy Consulting has been the strategic, conceptual and implementation-steering project partner for the German B2C and B2B marketplace world for over 10 years. Through a series of interviews with marketplace leaders and our own analyses, we aim to provide insights into the current challenges and topics of online marketplaces.

Insights & Interviews

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eStrategy Consulting helps clients to use digital innovations to further develop existing business models and to create new business opportunities. We support the retail industry in its further development towards omnichannel and connected commerce and count manufacturers, classic big box retailers, the retail real estate industry or digital marketplaces and platforms among our clients.

eStrategy Consulting covers the entire lifecycle of digital innovation, from analysis to ideation, solution development and market launch. We work as strategy and concept developers as well as seamlessly integrated and pragmatic implementation managers. To do this, we rely on a mix of methods from the world of digital business and classic management consulting. The focus is both on our client’s applying customers as well as his organization and skills necessary to operate.


Thomas Natkowski
Partner & Managing Partner
+49 (0)30 978 936 00