This is what’s new about us and our projects


  • eBay and sustainability: Customers can now offset the CO2 footprint of the goods

    November 11, 2020

    eBay has launched a pilot project for CO2 offsetting. Buyers have the opportunity to offset the CO2 emissions associated with the purchase of an item with just one click.

  • Peter Altmaier makes Germany’s local retail crisis a federal issue

    October 22, 2020

    The disappearance of lively city centers due to the retail crisis has caught the federal government's attention. No longer just an issue of supporting local retailers, the empty building lots in the inner city are now a threat to regional identity.

  • 5 reasons to become a mentor

    October 5, 2020

    If you’ve been on the fence about joining a mentorship program, Thomas Natkowski, eStrategy partner and managing director offers a few solid reasons why it's worth your time.

  • The reverse interview: Why should I work at eStrategy Consulting?

    September 9, 2020

    Managing Director, Cliff Pfefferkorn, speaks candidly about our company culture, work-life balance, amazing clients, and why you should work with us.

  • Help programs of online marketplaces for stationary traders

    April 5, 2020

    Since the middle of March 2020, stationary trade in Germany has been closed throughout the country. Exceptions are shops serving the basic supply. The latter are currently experiencing unprecedented sales due to restaurants that are also closed and the trend towards general stockpiling.

  • eStrategy Consulting awarded as attractive employer

    April 7, 2020

    eStrategy Consulting was awarded the "TOP JOB Seal 2020" for its outstanding employer qualities. The former Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel presented the award in Berlin. The seal is awarded annually to the most attractive employers in German medium-sized businesses.